Monday, February 19, 2007

Presidents Day

Presidents Day is the common name for the United States federal holiday officially designated as George Washington's Birthday.
It is celebrated on the third Monday of February. Though commonly seen written as Presidents' Day or President's Day, Presidents Day is technically the correct form of the holiday's name. The holiday does not belong to the presidents, but is rather a day the United States honors them. Presidents is considered an "attributive noun" and acts as a modifier.


Anniina said...

tiesiks, ett eilen oli Kiinalainen Uusi Vuosi - "Year of the Fire Pig" - "ihminen on sitä mitä hän syo..."

onlyjokinglasse said...

Juu. Seuraava vuosi onkin kiinalaisten mielestä erittäin suotuisa syntyville pikku kiinalaisille. Saas nähdä montako miljoonaa uutta saadaan!

Mophia said...

Here I thought my grammar was bad when I was lazy and omitted the ('). :)